Publicaties van Miguel A Zamora gesorteerd op titel
An Ambient Assisted Living Platform to Integrate Biometric Sensors to Detect Respiratory Failures for Patients with Serious Breathing Problems, in: Ambient Assisted Living, pagina's 122--130, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011 | , en ,
An architecture based on internet of things to support mobility and security in medical environments, in: Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2010 7th IEEE, IEEE, pagina's 1--5, 2010 | , en ,
An architecture for ambient assisted living and health environments, in: Distributed computing, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, soft computing, and ambient assisted living, pagina's 882--889, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009 | , en ,
An internet of things---based personal device for diabetes therapy management in ambient assisted living (AAL) (2011), in: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 15:4(431--440) | , en ,
An ontology and rule based intelligent information system to detect and predict myocardial diseases, in: Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, 2009. ITAB 2009. 9th International Conference on, IEEE, pagina's 1--6, 2009 | , , en ,
Communication Protocol for Enabling Continuous Monitoring of Elderly People through Near Field Communications (2013), in: Interacting with Computers | , , , , en ,
Diabetes management and insulin therapy in the hospital and AAL environments based on mobile health (2010) | , , , , en ,
Drug identification and interaction checker based on IoT to minimize adverse drug reactions and improve drug compliance (2012), in: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing(1--13) | , en ,
Evaluation of the security capabilities on NFC-powered devices, in: Smart Objects: Systems, Technologies and Applications (RFID Sys Tech), 2010 European Workshop on, VDE, pagina's 1--9, 2010 | , , en ,
Extending near field communications to enable continuous data transmission in clinical environments, in: Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, pagina's 109--116, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012 | , , , , en ,
Glowbal IP: An adaptive and transparent IPv6 integration in the Internet of Things (2012), in: Mobile Information Systems, 8:3(177--197) | , en ,
Hwsn6: Hospital wireless sensor networks based on 6lowpan technology: Mobility and fault tolerance management, in: Computational Science and Engineering, 2009. CSE'09. International Conference on, IEEE, pagina's 879--884, 2009 | , en ,
Interaction of patients with breathing problems through NFC in Ambient Assisted Living environments, in: Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2012 Sixth International Conference on, IEEE, pagina's 892--897, 2012 | , , , , en ,
Intra-mobility for hospital wireless sensor networks based on 6LoWPAN, in: Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC), 2010 6th International Conference on, IEEE, pagina's 389--394, 2010 | , en ,
Knowledge acquisition and management architecture for mobile and personal Health environments based on the Internet of Things, in: Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on, IEEE, pagina's 1811--1818, 2012 | , en ,
Lightweight MIPv6 with IPSec support, in: Mobile Information Systems | , , , en ,
Mobile digcovery: discovering and interacting with the world through the Internet of things (2013), in: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing(1--16) | , , , , en ,
Mobile IP-based protocol for wireless personal area networks in critical environments (2011), in: Wireless Personal Communications, 61:4(711--737) | , , , en ,
Mobility IP-based Protocol for Wireless Personal Networks in Critical Environments (2011), in: Wireless Personal Communications. Special Issue on Advances in Mobile IPv6 and Network-based Localized Mobility Management. Springer.“Pending to be published | , , , , en ,
NFC/RFID applications in medicine: security challenges and solutions., in: Intelligent Environments (Workshops), pagina's 117--124, 2009 | , en ,
Oxygen Cylinders Management Architecture Based on Internet of Things, in: Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), 2011 International Conference on, IEEE, pagina's 271--274, 2011 | , , , , en ,
Secure use of NFC in medical environments, in: RFID Systems and Technologies (RFID SysTech), 2009 5th European Workshop on, VDE, pagina's 1--8, 2009 | , en ,
YOAPY: a data aggregation and pre-processing module for enabling continuous healthcare monitoring in the internet of things, in: Ambient Assisted Living and Home Care, pagina's 248--255, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012 | , , , , en ,