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eFitness of Destination Websites - Still more to go
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Booktitle: Proceedings of the International Student Conference in Tourism Research
Series: ISCONTOUR 2013
Year: 2013
Publisher: Books on Demand
Address: Norderstedt
ISBN: 978-3-7322-3576-6
Abstract: Website evaluation has been addressed since many years resulting in various approaches and suggestions conceming which dimensions to include and how to proceed. This study compares existing approaches, suggests an extended catalogue of criteria called eFitness Check-Update derived from the original eFirness® Check and evaluates the performance of 40 websites of tourism destinations in Austria and Switzerland. The eFitness Check-Update catalogue consists of 148 criteria assigned to 11 dimensions. eFitness Check-Update not only allows benchmarking DMOs on a criterion level but also on a more aggregated dimension level. Among others results show thal DMOs are doing well concerning Trust and Services, Useful lnformation & Infrastructure but have room for improvements regarding lnteractivity and Legal Aspects. Furthermore, Common State, Competitive Advantage and Future Potential Dimensions are revealed, and Austrian and Swiss results are compared.
Userfields: ITO
Keywords: Austria, DMO websites, key success factors, Switzerland, tourism, website evaluation
Authors Duerr, Michael
Küng, Nicole
Schegg, Roland
Stangl, Brigitte
Editors Egger, Roman
Maurer, Christian
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