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New tools for new students GAme about DEcision MAking Adapted to Various Learning cOntexts (GADEMAVO)
Type of publication: Proceedings
Year: 2013
Publisher: EDEN conference
Organization: EDEN
Abstract: The University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO) faces various challenges. One of the main challenge in the curriculum HES, in every faculty, is to train future professionals to be able to understand real life problems, sometimes critical ones, to sort and organize a plethora of information and make appropriate decisions in extremely fast and changing situations. On the other hand, university teaching experience shows that students regularly express difficulty in transferring theory to professional practice, particularly in crisis or emergency situations. Besides, if they are able to apply procedures adequately, they are less prepared to produce new solutions to solve complex cases. The e-learning center HES-SO Cyberlearn believes that providing them with a small-scale simulation game will sustain the emergence of proper competence and help students adapt to their future professional world. Based on problem solving and decision making, GADEMAVO simulation game offers our so-called digital native students a new instrument. Based on playful interaction, GADEMAVO will also provide concrete and meaningful information to students in terms of practical use and feedback, with the aim of helping pedagogical designers realize adapted instruments, fitting the expectations of this new public.
Keywords: decision making, generation Y, problem solving, serious game
Authors Salamin, Anne-Dominique
Russo, David
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